Freitag, 28. März 2014


Hey meine lieben Fruitloops :D

STOP - bevor du das liest ... bitte drehe dieses Lied als Hintergrundmusik auf :D

danke... jetzt kanns weiter gehen ...

Guess whaaaaaat?!?

Mein Blog hat nun offiziell über 10.000 Aufrufe!!!!! OMG danke danke danke euch allen!!!

Ich kanns noch immer nicht ganz fassen ^^ dieser Blog war eigentlich nur dazu gedacht, Familienmitglieder und Freunde über mein schräges Leben hier auf dem Laufenden zu halten und plötzlich liege ich bis 2 Uhr in der Früh wach um auf den 10.000 Aufruf zu warten :D
Danke an alle die meinen Blog lesen :)))
Es freut mich so sehr dass es da draußen tatsächlich Menschen gibt, außer meiner Eltern, die diese Geschichten über good old 'murica interessieren ^^

Und ein RIESEN Dankeschön an alle die mir Mails schreiben :))) und es tut mir soo leid wenn ich nicht jedem zurückschreibe :/ sorry ... hab euch trotzdem lieb ♡

Und meine Fruitloops kommen von überall her ^^ auch wenn der Blog auf Deutsch ist, aber Google Translate machts wohl möglich ^^
Danke! nach Deutschland
Donksche! nach Österreich
Thank you! in die USA und Kanada
Noch ein "danke schön" an alle Schweizer!
Merci! Mon Fruitloops en France!
Grazie! Miei Fruitloops in Italia!
And a thank you to everybody in the other countries! You are fabulous! :)
Ukraine, Russland, Irland, UK, Niederlande, Schweden, Spanien, Slowakei, China ... ... und sogar aus Polen haben sich welche auf meinen Blog verirrt ^^

Und bitte eine Schweigeminute für all jene, die meinen Blog via Internet Explorer aufrufen und wahrscheinlich noch immer beim ersten Eintrag festhängen (._. ) 
Willkommen im 21. Jahrhundert Leute ;D

Ich freue mich wirklich wahnsinnig über jeden einzelnen Aufruf auf meinem Blog und hoffe euch noch weiter mit meinem American Dream begeistern zu können :))

Zur feier des Tages ... hier ein Text verfasst von einem anderen Auslandsschüler :) 
Geschrieben von Jay Rhoden (keine Ahnung, wer das ist, aber er bringt es auf den Punkt :)) )
I have been asked the question many times “What do Exchange students even do?” Well to tell you the truth, it’s a lot more information than what anyone expects, but I sum it up into one word “LIVE”
Not to toot my own horn, but Exchange Students are some of the most outstanding people you will meet in your life. We have all been bitten with the disease to explore the world and to become something more than what we are. We have to travel and see as many parts of the world as we possibly can. We are not satisfied staying in one place for too long.
What do we do? We study. We leave everything familiar to us. We explore. We make bonds with people all over the world that no one else can even fathom. We break boundaries. We educate others. We become something that we never knew was possible. We change. We adapt. 
We are the crazy kids that get dropped in the middle of a foreign country, with no idea of which way is up. We become the people our parents always wished that they could be. But most importantly, we thrive. 
Many people try to relate exchange to the same difficulties of going of to college in a new town, but trust me, it is much more difficult. Most of us are at least 3000 miles from our “homes” and spend months contemplating our decisions of coming to the unknown. After initial shock, we realize that we couldn’t picture ourselves anywhere else. We learn languages, even ones not related to the culture we are submersed in. We expand our knowledge of the world, and want nothing more but to share it with others. 
We attend schools in another language and have no idea what is happening, but continue to push ourselves to be as uncomfortable as possible. We are comfortable being uncomfortable. We realize that we have many more homes than what we thought. We have one thing we all want… to explore! 
We start to think about traditions back home. We forget about them. We start forgetting our own language and can only remember the words in our new language. We are happy. We are sad. We are depressed. We are ecstatic. We love to have a healthy dose of knowledge and an unhealthy dose of food. We have happy “Hello’s” and tear-filled “Goodbye’s”.
We know what we want. We don’t know how we want it. We don’t know where we want it. We don’t know how we will do it. But, we know we will do it. We are wanderers. We are travelers. We are anything we think we are. We talk to strangers. We eat things that only resemble food. We live. 
Exchange is not something that can be understood, because it cannot be defined. It can only be experienced. We can tell you “Oh exchange is this amazing thing where you go to another country for a year and learn a new language and culture.” Well in my opinion that just does not do Exchange any justice. It is much, much more than that. Exchange is more difficult than moving to a new town. But, more valuable than all the money in the world. Exchange is not a Year in the Life, but a Lifetime in a Year.

Und vergesst nicht:
Life is awesome!

Bis bald,
xoxo Julia

P.S.: Thanks for not being "that guy" ;)

2 Kommentare:

  1. Einer deiner (wenn nicht DER) Leser aus der Schweiz gibt sich hiermit zu erkennen... Ne, jetzt mal im Ernst - congratualtions und weiter so. Die Klicks hast du nämlich echt verdient.
